Living a life of abundance requires confidence, start to build it up.

I’d like to bring you a few self confidence tips gathered from my personal experience. Living a life of abundance requires confidence. If you’re lacking in this area, use these tips to help yourself improve your “self view”.

Don’t take this issue lightly. A lack of confidence can severely undermine your ability to live an enriched lifestyle. The following self confidence tips will help you begin to make positive progress in your personal growth journey.

 Self Confidence Tip #1
Be Thankful 
If you’re finding it hard to build self confidence, one thing you can do is step back and think about all the things you do well. Focusing on the areas of your life that you are good at actually begins the confidence building process.And don’t tell me you have nothing in your life where you’re confidence is high. You may need to dig a little to find it, but it’s there 😉

Maybe you’re an outstanding cook or you have a wonderful relationship built with your child. You may take these skills for granted. But take note of them and be thankful. This self confidence tip puts you in a building confidence mentality.

Self Confidence Tip #2
Tap Your Confident Feelings 
As you’re being thankful for the things you’re good at, become very aware of how you feel during those good moments. Tap into your mental and emotional state. You must know more deeply the feelings of confidence.

No, this alone won’t solve your anxiety immediately when it comes to the issues you need to build self confidence in, but it begins the process.

Remember, this is a personal growth journey that takes effort. But if a life of spiritual abundance, financial abundance, etc is the end result, it’s all worth it, right?

Self Confidence Tip #3
Know Yourself 
A life of abundance and confidence ultimately comes down to how well you know yourself. Have you taken the time to discover your deepest you? Have you invested time in your spiritual growth?

If not, it’s time to pay attention to this self confidence tip. Once you discover your higher self, you find that it comes with more self confidence built right in because much of the “worldly” things you worry about now become unimportant.

Much of your self confidence issues come from the fact that you worry about how you look to others, what they’re thinking, whether you’ll measure up or make a mistake. Discover the spiritual side of who you are and watch much of this worry melt away as you see the greatness within you.

Self Confidence Tip #4
Take this self confidence advice to heart. Practice exactly what you’re scared about until you master it. If you fear public speaking, join the various groups in your area that help with this. If you lack self confidence in social settings, go to more social gatherings!

Difficult? Takes you out of your comfort zone? Absolutely, but sometimes the only way to gain confidence is to do this.

Self Confidence Tip #5
Uplifting Material 
Read uplifting material. Take it upon yourself to find books and magazines that are inspirational. Follow blogs or websites  that gives you uplifting messages. Joining a social media network is also great because you can get immediate feedback or just read the posts.

You need to feed your brain with as much of this as possible. It helps to realize that you’re not alone in your self confidence problems. There are others out there just like you seeking abundance in their lives.

Their feedback will help you in your personal growth pursuits.

Self Confidence Tip #6
Stop Criticizing Yourself  
This may sound easier than it is. Experts tell us that the average person has thousands of negative thoughts a day rolling around inside their mind. And much of it is self directed.

If you’re constantly thinking things like, “I’m no good” or “I never do anything right”, it’s no wonder you’re struggling to build self confidence.

Imagine if you just naturally walked around thinking, “I’m a wonderful person”, “Of course I can do anything I want”, “I live a life of abundance and happiness” or “I’m thankful for what I have”.

What a difference! Well, then make that your natural state of thinking. Again, just saying things along these lines isn’t going to magically make you confident or happy, but it helps in the over-all process.

Take this self confidence advice and use it – Begin to replace all that negativity with a positive mind. It’s bad enough when someone else cuts you down. Please don’t steal self confidence from yourself.

Self Confidence Tip #7
Explore Something New 
You can build self confidence just by learning something new.

As an example, have you ever wanted to learn to paint? Take a course on it and learn.

Your self confidence goes up each time you show yourself you can do something that’s important to you. Think about all the things you’ve always said you’d do someday. Well, someday is here! Write it all down and just tackle the most important one. Don’t try it all at once. Accomplish one, feel the surge of self confidence, then move to the next one. You’ll be surprised how much this will help how you view yourself.


 Don’t read these self confidence tips and click away. Use them and build self confidence.

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  1. Nice post. Blog gives very good 7 tips that increase and generate confidence. Thanks. !!!

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